Benevolent Fund KPK Loan Program 2023- Download Application [email protected]

Benevolent Fund KPK Loan Program 2023- Download Application

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Benevolent Fund KPK Loan Program 2023- Download Application [email protected]

KPK Government Loan Scheme (Benevolent Fund KPK) 2023-24 for KPK Government employees without interest has been started this year as usual. This loan will be issued to the Provincial govt employees of KPK for the Cycle, Motor Cycle, Motor car and House building purpose.

The interested free loan application can be submitted for one of the schemes mentioned above and applications submitted for more than one item or purpose will not be considered. The concerned DDO has to verify that the applicant applying for this scheme is not a defaulter in any of the schemes previously. The interested free loan will be issued to the candidates on the draw basis.

Interested candidates can download the application form along with a surety certificate from the website The last date of application submission is 10-01-2024.

KPK Government Loan Scheme 2023-24 Application form – KPK Benevolent Fund Scheme

  1. The applicants who are interested in availing the loan scheme of KPK govt for year 2023-24 can download the application form for KPK loan scheme along with surety certificate from benevolent fund KPK official website
  2. The deadline for application submission of KPK loan program is 10th January 2024
  3. The application forms are also available on benevolent fund official face book page for the ease of the employees
  4. The DDO certificate must also be attached with the application form
  5. The applications of employees of the Provincial government of a specific district will be received, recorded and scrutinized by the concerned Deputy Commissioner and the attached departments process will be done by their concerned departments/offices.
  6. The Provincial benevolent fund board will not receive any application directly from any of the employees
  7. Applications submitted after the deadline will not be entertained
  8. Address to send application form:
    Secretary, Provincial Benevolent Fund, Room No.157, Benevolent Fund building, Saddar Road, Peshawar Cantt.

Terms and Conditions for KPK loan Scheme Benevolent Fund 2023/2024

  1. Motor Car
    a. Eligibility: BPS-17 & above
    b. Loan limit: 200,000
    c. Monthly deduction: Rs. 3334 per month (60 months)
    d. Minimum 05 year service and max age of employee 55 years
  1. Motor Car
    a. Eligibility: BPS-17 & above
    b. Loan limit: 200,000
    c. Monthly deduction: Rs. 3334 (60 months)
    d. Minimum 05 year service and max age of employee 55 years
  2. House building
    a. Eligibility: BPS- 1 to 17
    b. Loan limit: 250,000
    c. Monthly deduction: Rs. 2080 (120 months)
    d. Minimum 10 year service and max age of employee 50 years
  3. Motorcycle
    a. Eligibility: BPS-1 to 17
    b. Loan limit: 80,000
    c. Monthly deduction: Rs. 1340 (60 months)
    d. Minimum 5 year service and max age of employee 55 years
  4. Cycle
    a. Eligibility: BPS-1 to 17
    b. Loan limit: 8000
    c. Monthly deduction: Rs. 100 (40 months)
    d. No Service time conditions
Benevolent Fund KPK Loan Program 2023- Download Application
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